Monday, 29 December 2008

Five nur-o-fen!

I didn't feel fab during my last shift on christmas night. I knew it was lurking.
I was off Boxing Day and determined to have some form of christmas cheer despite feeling knackered and knowing ... it was there!
I landed on one of me pals just down the road. She was full of it too so i didn't feel quite so bad. And another mate arrived who was on day 13. Day 13? yup! Now the good company, the nibbles and the red wine didn't do me any harm. The freezing cold walk back up the hill to my abode - now that was a whole other thing altogether. It absolutely screwed my chest and the cold got in to my bones. It was so deeply set that two hot water bottles failed to warm me and i barely slept before the alarm woke me in the form of radio2 announcing the six o'clock news. Ye gods but did i ache! and i could barely talk. Hmm! well i got myself together. Threw some lunch in my bag and gathered a few articles together for my pal who would be at work before i got there. Presents had to be exchanged regardless of my fitness for duty.
Gee up! it was bloody freezing out there which made it hard to breath.
I made it in but staying was out of the question. I managed a natter but there was no force behind my vocal cords. Thank goodness for the ribena we have at work.

Four calling friends....
Three more nurofens...

Ugh! hot water bottle, blanket and warm top and trews. Television which i watched between dozes and tried to sweat out as much of the ychafy's as possible. I will say i felt crap! It's been a while since i've felt that bleargh!!

Two lemsip sachets and
an aspirin crunched with equal verve

Yesterday was an ongoing battle to fight this horrible yukitude
Today i feel significantly better but there are steps to be made before i am geuninely well.
I should be back at work on wednesday morning but i make no predictions until i see how i have progressed tomorrow. If needs be then it will be friday.

Thanks to Santa for his generosity.

Monday, 22 December 2008

A Very Hairy Homage

After sounding off about the world, her husband and any other beggar in the firing line it gives me great pleasure to talk about a wonderous thing. Well, two wonderous things. Well, not so much things as great human beings who bring alot of joy to alot of people.
The adorable, the glorious, the talented and the wicked HAIRY BIKERS!
That's Dave Myers and Si King (not to be mixed up with the equally wonderful Simon King from the world of nature).
For a few years the lads have brought us the wonders of cooking from around the globe and different ways of cooking.I've not had the honour to meet this passionate pair but I know people who have, if only briefly. People have nothing but good to say about these guys.
They have a great banter between one another and it's obvious that it is not rehearsed. It all comes from the heart and as does a deep love for the art of cookery. It possibly even overrides their massive passion for motorbiking.

From my wee blog i wish the Hairy Bakers (& their families) a truly wonderful christmas and here's hoping you will be bringing us more news and views of the world's food in 2009.
in case you wanna check out further details on the hairy duo

Saturday, 20 December 2008

It's mad and bad and manic

But what is it?
The traditional friday piss up for office staff on the friday before christmas.
Hmm! very christmassy!
People getting drunk for the heel of it; cos they want to; cos it;s fun.
Is it? is it really?
Get outta here. What half-brained neanderthal truly believes that?
If you recorded peoples antics whilst drunk i bet there'd be a few embarrassed hangovered
sober considerations.
I have a right to enjoy myself
Now let me see if i can get my head around such a statement. For sure this statement has been made.
You have the right to
Get pissed, become incontinent (in all ways), puke on someone else, start arguments with complete strangers, fight with friends and complete strangers, fight the police, fall over and break a part of your anatomy, maybe get toxic poisoning from the alcohol, become unable to be responsible for your own well-being, demand that an ambulance take you to hospital (it's your right after all).... i'm sure i've left out a few things but that'll do for now.
So whilst you're exercising your so-called rights where does this put granny who's broken her hip? or uncle bert who've having a myocardial infarction (heart attack)? or young wee Jimmy who's fallen from his bunk bed after a nightmare?
these people obviously don't have rights.
Screw 'em eh? As long as you are having a good time well that's ok then isn't it. You've got your rights. Why should anyone else's get in the way? Yeah. Why not. Fuck 'em all... right? yeah? right?
WRONG! very very very very wrong. Instead let's say FUCK YOU!
You don't get an ambulance. You get a criminal record for wasting police and ambulance and A&E time and you get a hefty bill in the shape of a fine. If you can afford to get rat-arsed you can afford to pay for your miscreant antics.
There are people out there who genuinly need help and they have not brought on their need temselves. It's just life taking it's toll.
Be responsible. Give a shit about others. Be a bigger per
son. Instead of being self-absorbed try being self-aware. It's so much more healthy.
Be thankful there is no military service like they have in Israel.
Or you'd be bullet amd bomb-dodging in Iraq or Afghanistan!
So along with my ambulance service colleagues, and those in the police, the fire service, the RNLI, the NHS staff in and out from hospitals, hospices etc., the serving military personnel, mountain rescue, the vehicle recovery services, the Coastguard and the people who are less frontline but equally as valid keeping our utilities running and those who work the land and anyone i have left out ... i wish you all a very merry christmas (Nadolig Llawen) and the very best for the new year (Blywddyn Newyyd Dda).

I do wish everyone else a pretty good time over the festive period too cos some of you will probably wish you were in a job that took you away from home.

Monday, 15 December 2008

The Spirit of... human not-so-kind

He sits on the fence. It was, as ever, a lucky catch.
He's beautiful. He may not even be a he but i can not tell one way or the other.
Christmas approaches fast.
Whilst i do enjoy it it is not for the fact of being a Christian - for i am not. Dragged up as one yes but not practising as i can not do the god thing. The basic principles behind what Jesus supposedly taught i give a hearty thumbs up. In fact they're really quite buddhist in outlook.
And, the side of Christmas that has me spinning with confusion and frustration is the terrible commercialism that now goes with it.
It seems to have a stranglehold and even holds on to those that try to disentangle themselves from it's grip. I take the frosty grip of winter quite happily in comparison. A beauty not seen in summer

To disengage tempts insult to others who we love.
"Well it's like this mum/dad/auntie etc. I don't wanna give you anything and i don't want you to give me anything". It looks simple but it isn't and, after all these years, i am
1. used to it
&, stupidly,
2. enjoy giving and receiving.
Seeing loved ones faces light up cos you've got it right gives a warm glow. It's probably a selfish warm glow but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
The trouble within the commercial insanity is that it brings about huge greed. Those seeds are sown in the very young and it becomes a vicious circle.
And the stupid knock-on effect is the poverty that comes about from splashing out on what can not be afforded and do it wilfully.
Humans are stupid creatures.
All those brains but no idea how to use them properly.

We bring the insanity upon ourselves yet are always looking outwards at who to blame.
We're back to that word responsibility again.
I can't say that i stand head and shoulders above people in this matter. Far from it but maybe i am awakening. Maybe i will get it right - one day. And before it is too late.

10 days and counting

Monday, 8 December 2008

On Thin Ice
takes you to the media view of what happened when an ambulance was conveying an already very sick child from Preston to Leeds
This always makes my stomach somersault. I feel sick and this time is no different.
We'll turn out to all manner of bumps and prangs but seeing one of your own type as i see this one makes me feel distinctly uncomfortable.
My hopes and thoughts go out to all involved.
For those inside and those who turned out to attend this incident.

Looking from a crew member perspective i hope that the crew involved have all the help they need. That they are not pre-judged as is so easy to do. That management explore what has happened with a sympathetic, empathetic and understanding heart.

thank you to the bbc for this pic.

I also hope that the services across the UK look even more closely at crew safety.
The fact that we have to stand to do anything indicates that we are using vehicles that are too big.
By rights, we should be able to do emergency work within the confines of something no or little bigger than a Renault Espace/ Ford Galaxy.
They allow some height for forward vision but also afford less chance of turning over in the event of a slippery incident. The attendant can remain sat and find kit within easy reach and be safe.
they're also alot more comfortable than vehicles in the light goods sector.
Mercedes make great cars that are very comfortable. Mercedes make great lorries that are very comfortable but the LGV sector is forgotten. Not just by Mercedes but VW, Renault, Ford etc etc. They are perceived as moving merchandise over comparitively short distances.
Lorries may be carrying loads but they travel significant distances so the driver must feel comfortable for as along as possible. Cars need to appeal to everyone else so they, too, have a better ride.

If we must continue to use LGVs for ambulances then the companies must look at improving suspension and general ride comfort... and stability.
It wouldn't go amiss if councils were more aware of the state of their roads and actively did something positive to rectify the bumpiness that is in existence all over the UK.

The other knock-on effect of bad roads is the damage done to vehicles. We regularly have suspension and bearing issues as the front wheels (usually the nearside) drop into potholes. The rest of the weight of the vehicle follows and creates further damage - to say nothing about playing rock n roll on some poor spinal case perched on a long board after parting company with their 1000cc machine on a marble-laden corner in mid Wales.
Helicopters are not always available and air ambulances.

The ambulance service is just that. The National Health Service is just that. Whilst each require a business plan of some description it should not be forgotten that the NHS and it's various departments is...... a service.
It is the biggest money pit but if this country truly wants the best healthcare system in the world then money does have to be put in. And a few more indians and a few less chiefs wouldn't go amiss.

Again, my thoughts go to all involved with the accident.