Saturday, 7 June 2008

Deadly Cargo

I am preoccupied with death on the roads but then too many people do suffer terrible injuries on the roads of the UK and a whole host of others do not live to tell the tale.
And sometimes we know who our killer is... as is shown on a safety ad. from almost 10 years ago. where a rear seat passenger is not strapped in so is flung forward following a front-end impact killing the driver.

It never ceases to amaze me that people think they can save their babies in the event of a
collision with them sat on their laps.All people in a motor vehicle should be strapped in and strapped in properly. No child seat is too expensive for your child. If you can't afford one then

1. don't have a car etc
2. don't have children

It's quite simple really.

Other things should be suitably secured as well. Even an empty CD case on the parcel shelf can deal a nasty blow in a collision.
We're very good at making sure our box of a dozen eggs is secure since they are so obviously fragile but who gives a toss about the humans beings in transit, eh?

Whilst I am in road safety mode, the lumpy thing attached to the top of the back of your seat is not a headrest it is a head restraint. It needs to be set at the correct height for whoever is sat in that seat. This includes the rear seats where restraints are fitted!. If they are too low, par example, and another driver rear-ends the motor that you are in there is a chance of not simply suffering from whiplash but of dying due to something called HYPEREXTENSION. If not dying then possibly landing you in a wheelchair unable to feed yourself. [hyperflexion is also involved as the neck snaps forward again]

...............................One of the new breed of restraints as found on SAABs

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