Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Cometh the hour...

The below photographs are courtesy of the BBCs
live feed as the inauguration ceremoney was taking place

-unless otherwise stipulated-

Barack Hussein Obama taking office as the 44th President of the United States of America

a couple of people turned out to cheer on the chap

michelle obama watches on proudly flanked by
bill and hillary
and george bush sr

the crowd enjoying the occasion in front of the Capitol building

backed by michelle this is the man behind the flag
and at the forefront of the nation with a mountain to climb

The expectations of the world, little exaggeration, are upon this man's shoulders.
I have never been bothered by the presidential elections and even less by the
inauguration ceremony but this was an unmissable event.
It wasn't even so much that he is black, tho it's significance can not be dismissed, but that
he just carries himself in a way that gives a confidence and demands a confidence.
I actually listened to his speech.
For someone with a relatively low attention span and high boredom threshold
that, i think, is saying something.
It seemed to come from the heart. They did not sound like empty words.
This guy means business. This guy is the business.
All these events took place yesterday. Before the American day was out he was
tackling the mess that is Guantanamo Bay.
He has nudged the ball and it is slowly beginning on it's first revolution.
Politically, he has Joe Biden beside him. I confess i know pretty much nothing about
the new V-P but, as much as with Obama, i wish him well as i wish the USA patience
and understanding.
Things will not happen overnight and, maybe just maybe, the more ignorant of it's fair
nation will let these men get on and may even come to appreciate their efforts.

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