Monday, 15 June 2009

TWOTW in Manchester

"No one would've believed the last years of the nineteenth century human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space.
No one could've dreamed we were being scutinised as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.
Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets - and yet across
the gulf of space minds immeasurably supior to ours regarded this earth with
envious eyes. And slowly and slowly they drew their plans against us."
-Jeff Wayne's interpretaion of the words by H.G.Wells-

As mentioned in an earlier post (or two) I and seven other people headed for the
M.E.N. close to Manchester's Victoria Railway Station.

Two of us had already had the pleasure of a trip to Cardiff in December 2007 - the C.I.A. where we had been dazzled by the performance and drawn in hook, line and sinker to a tale that we knew so well and had done since 1978.

The Martians putting their final plans together before the invasion of Earth

CGI Richard Burton - as the narrator

"Bows and arrows against the lightning.
They haven't seen the heatray yet" - artilleryman

The collected bands led by Jeff Wayne bring us the music

Alexis James as The Artilleryman with plans for a Brave New World

Fighting Machine in it's immensity.

No word of a lie this was better than Cardiff. The whole balance was brilliant. The volume was loud but not too loud.
Thank you Jeff and the gang!

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