Monday, 21 December 2009

It snows in Wales

Well of course it bloody does!
And people don't half panic.
I'm not saying you head out on the highways of the UK as you would during the height of a dry summer but a little bit of common sense goes a long way and, thus, enables you to go a long way - or however far you wish to go
Be it in a 2FWD Renault Master or a 2 RWD sports car things can be achieved. Be realistic. Think things out and expect the unexpected. Sorted. Know when you're beaten before you need to have your panels beaten ... out!

east Radnor 02:30 ~ virgin snow

cosy under her winter blanket STORM waits in anticipation for the next leg in the
Powys Tobogganing Championships

~snowy home road~

Above are the early morning shots
Below are just a couple of shots from mid morning

~across the meadow~

~so right at this time of year~

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