Tuesday, 5 April 2011


11th March 2011.... one nasty bastard of an Earthquake cracked itself open
8.9 on the richter scale
Didn't actually happen on the Japanese mainland but created one Mother Lover of a tsunami
This descended upon the land of the rising sun at Sendei north of Tokyo
It has obliterated communities and there is an ongoing battle to cool down the Fukushima nuclear plant which naturally shut down thereby leaving the reactor to become very hot.
It's almost 4 weeks since the devastation and the people of Japan have still a lonnnnng way to go.
I wish them all the look in the world.

Having rid myself(by fortune rather than design) of the biggest hea-screwer i ahve had the misfortune to encounter in my life the aforementioned pyschobitch attempted to make contact with me via email on 18th March.
You've not attempted to contact me for 11 months (thankfully) and you now expect me to accept your pathetic attempt? fkov - the mail has been deleted. I have no wish to know what is in your fkd up head now please leave me alone.
You mean nothing to me

That is all i ahve to say for now

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